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Your Space as Sanctuary

Do you ever think about how your living space affects your mental health? When you close your eyes and imagine your home, how does it make you feel? Slowly take a few minutes to do a ‘mental walk through’ of each room or area of your home and as you picture each section, notice what thoughts or feelings come up.

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Finding Peace During the Holidays and Always

Do you ever feel overwhelmed during the winter holidays? Even though most of us have some time off at this time of year, many of us are inundated with activities.  Some commitments are enjoyable; but even too much of a good thing is still too much. For other people, this is a challenging time of year.

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5 Obstacles to Sexual Pleasure and How to Address Them: A Post for Women and the People Who Love Them.

Many women I speak with have times in their lives where they have lessened desire. Sometimes it is a lull in a relationship after being with someone for an extended time.

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