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Your Space as Sanctuary
Do you ever think about how your living space affects your mental health? When you close your eyes and imagine your home, how does it make you feel? Slowly take a few minutes to do a ‘mental walk through’ of each room or area of your home and as you picture each section, notice what thoughts or feelings come up.
Finding Peace During the Holidays and Always
Do you ever feel overwhelmed during the winter holidays? Even though most of us have some time off at this time of year, many of us are inundated with activities. Some commitments are enjoyable; but even too much of a good thing is still too much. For other people, this is a challenging time of year.
Grounding with the 5 Senses
Grounding is a tool to bring you back to the present moment when you feel anxious, or the world around you feels chaotic. The grounding tool below uses the senses
A Pandemic Plea
As I speak with people in my practice, I can’t help but notice the strain everyone is feeling. The anticipated winter holidays were quashed again with orders to keep things small and avoid gathering. Just when we thought we were in the clear, another variant.
Blue Monday and Beyond: 3 Strategies to Weather the Weather
It was Blue Monday last week, deemed the saddest day of the year. I have been reflecting on my interactions with people during January, and I have to say the world seems particularly down.
Why Practice Mindfulness
What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is any activity that involves maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.
Local Gift Giving to Delight Your 5 Senses
In this short and sweet gift guide, I decided to focus on local businesses that use quality ingredients that are ethically and environmentally responsible. I have used the 5 senses to bring in a mindful aspect of nurturing the senses, shapes and time of those you care most about.
How to Minimize Burnout During the Holidays
With the holidays fast approaching we are all both excited and exhausted. It has been another challenging year. The holidays promise some relief from the grind, but is that enough to combat how worn out we’re feeling?
THREE Questions to Ask Yourself This Black Friday
Every year we are faced with the shopping dilemma of Black Friday. Sale prices are enticing; but they can also lead to hasty purchases of items we do not need.
What is TRUE Self-care?
Self-care advice is everywhere these days. The pandemic has brought out anxieties in most of us and self-care is one thing we can control in this world of uncertainty. It is easy to turn to consumer-based approaches: pedicures, chocolate, dinner out.
5 Obstacles to Sexual Pleasure and How to Address Them: A Post for Women and the People Who Love Them.
Many women I speak with have times in their lives where they have lessened desire. Sometimes it is a lull in a relationship after being with someone for an extended time.
Mindful Sensory Bedtime Practices to Help You Fall Asleep
After a long day of work, socializing, or looking after children, do you look forward to going to sleep? Are you confident that you will get to sleep? Stay asleep?