THREE Questions to Ask Yourself This Black Friday

A person sits behind a computer with their credit card pulled out in their hands.

Every year we are faced with the shopping dilemma of Black Friday. Sale prices are enticing, but they can also lead to hasty purchases of items we do not need.

Are you approaching the event with a plan or simply being drawn into the frenzy?

I invite you to set aside some time to mindfully consider your purchases. Think about who you are shopping for. Think about what you need. Consider your budget. I know these aren’t sexy or spontaneous, but they may help stave off buyer's remorse after spending more than you wanted on items you do not need. Spend time thinking about what would be meaningful for you and for others. Try asking:

1. Is this something that will add value to my/ the receiver’s life?

2. Do I/they need this? Or am I buying it because it's on sale?

3. Will this purchase build crap in a closet or memories in our hearts?

I know I can get caught up in feeling like my holiday gift list is something to check off rather than taking the time to plan thoughtful gifts for people I value. I risk purchasing items that have little meaning. Taking a step back can help you make more considerate purchases for yourself and others.

As the sales hit our inboxes, social media feeds, and every window we pass, take a moment before pulling out your card or cash. Shopping and gift-giving can be a beautiful thing but make sure anything you are bringing into your life will give you back value. Remember experiences like baking, crafting, or little safe adventures build memories. What is more powerful than having experiences with yourself and those you love?


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