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Seasonal Affective Disorder
‘Tis the season - for colds and flu and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Fun times! It is no surprise that we are at risk for feeling low at this time of year. The days are shorter, the weather is damp, cold and dark in these parts. Colds and flus
Practicing Patience
I have been struck time and again by how much patience we have needed over the past three years. COVID ground the world to a halt. Supply issues have meant waiting for goods and
Understanding and Enforcing Boundaries
The end of the year brings its fair share of celebration. Even with the ideal plans, the best company, and every item on your wish list ticked off, the holidays require plenty of energy. The boldest extrovert might
Reflecting on Men’s Mental Health
Every November, Men’s Mental Health Month brings awareness to the specific ways men struggle with their mental and emotional wellbeing. Reflecting on these challenges can help us to better understand them and support the men in our lives well beyond the month of November.
A Simple & Incomplete Guide to Better Sleep: Some Dos and Don’ts
September has arrived, which means a return to routine for many of us. Adieu to late night BBQs and impromptu camping trips, hello early morning classes and coffee-fuelled carpools. So your sleep schedule
Grounding with the 5 Senses
Grounding is a tool to bring you back to the present moment when you feel anxious, or the world around you feels chaotic. The grounding tool below uses the senses
A Pandemic Plea
As I speak with people in my practice, I can’t help but notice the strain everyone is feeling. The anticipated winter holidays were quashed again with orders to keep things small and avoid gathering. Just when we thought we were in the clear, another variant.
Blue Monday and Beyond: 3 Strategies to Weather the Weather
It was Blue Monday last week, deemed the saddest day of the year. I have been reflecting on my interactions with people during January, and I have to say the world seems particularly down.
Why Practice Mindfulness
What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is any activity that involves maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.
The Practice of Forgiving Yourself
We have all had periods in life that we aren’t proud of. Moments we wish we could take back. People we wish we could un-hurt. Sometimes we carry these painful memories with us for a lifetime
Completing the Stress Cycle: A Guide to Combating Stress
We are surrounded by negativity these days - politically, economically, socially, personally. It feels harder and harder to shake off. The added stress of the pandemic is pushing people to the edge. How can you care for yourself and release stress when so many stressors feel out of your control?
What is TRUE Self-care?
Self-care advice is everywhere these days. The pandemic has brought out anxieties in most of us and self-care is one thing we can control in this world of uncertainty. It is easy to turn to consumer-based approaches: pedicures, chocolate, dinner out.
Mindful Sensory Bedtime Practices to Help You Fall Asleep
After a long day of work, socializing, or looking after children, do you look forward to going to sleep? Are you confident that you will get to sleep? Stay asleep?
4 Powerful Habits to Become More Assertive
Being assertive means being direct about what you need, want, or feel in a way that’s respectful of others. Using assertiveness as a communication skill can help reduce conflict, build your self-confidence, and improve your relationships.
The Anger Management Exercise
This last year has been intense for all of us on a global level. 🌎 As I help many of my clients maneuver through these issues during sessions I see these limits being met and communication breaking down as stress rises.
How to Build a Morning Routine with S.A.V.E.R.S
Although morning routines can be challenging for people, the benefits are undeniable. A good morning routine puts you into a positive mental state, bolsters confidence, increases energy, and keeps your goals top of mind.