Seasonal Affective Disorder

by Roma Palmer

‘Tis the season - for colds and flu and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Fun times! It is no surprise that we are at risk for feeling low at this time of year. The days are shorter, the weather is damp, cold and dark in these parts. Colds and flus are making their way through our communities. These factors play into the increase in low mood during this time of year. 

The symptoms of SAD are similar to depression, but they occur with the season, usually winter. People with SAD may feel listless, sad or down most of everyday. They may lose interest in activities they usually enjoy. Problems sleeping, overeating and difficulty concentrating are also signs of this disorder. 

If you know you are affected by the short, dark days, I encourage you to get ahead of the low mood with habits that can help. You may have your own bag of tricks that help you get through this time of year (possibly avoiding it all together with travel) but there are other measures you can take if you stay put. 

  • Boost your immune system: Foods rich in vitamin B6, C and E will help you resist the germs floating around at this time of year. Eggs, bell peppers, spinach, and almonds include these vitamins. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are high in vitamin C, which can help fight infection. Vitamin D is also important, especially for women. We usually take in this vitamin through sunlight, so when we have less sunlight, we need to supplement our levels with the over the counter vitamin.

  • Get outside: Light, or the lack of it, plays a big role in SAD. When the weather is less than pleasant it is hard to force ourselves to leave our warm, cozy homes. However, the benefits are notable. Spending time outdoors, especially in nature, can decrease our chances of developing depression or lessen its effects, increases your fitness and immunity, helps you clear your head, shifts your perspective and improves sleep. 

  • Exercise: Along with getting outside, exercise is key to helping boost your immune system and stave off SAD. Use the weather to your advantage. Get out in the snow: walking, snowshoeing or skiing are all social, get you outside, and get your heart pumping. Exercise can make you feel strong and healthy. This mindset is helpful in seeing other parts of your life with greater positivity. 

  • Sleep well: I know this is a challenge for many people. Setting up your bedtime routine and sticking to it is helpful in establishing and maintaining good sleep. Your body starts to wind down when it recognizes the steps you take to get ready for bed. Reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, and stopping watching screens a couple hours before bedtime can also help ready your body for sleep. Proper rest helps with immune function and generally feeling better during your days. 

  • Find the positives: It is easy to get into a funk at this time of year. Whether we see the world positively or negatively, that is what will be true for us. Come up with a list of things about this time of year that you enjoy. Enlist the help of friends. Perhaps you can create events or activities to look forward to that will help pull you through this time of year. 

Lastly, I would strongly recommend being kind to yourself. I know we are all hit over the head with self care recommendations these days, but I’m going to strongly suggest it to you here. Build breaks into the next couple of months. Take a day here and there to do nothing, or do what YOU want to do. If taking a whole day sounds unrealistic, take an hour or a few hours regularly to make time for yourself. The other activities and people will still be there afterward. Think about what you enjoy doing: going to the movies, taking a bath, going for a walk, reading a book and build those into your schedule. See if you can find ways to think about this time of year as a cozy hibernation time where you recoup yourself for next spring. Lay low and be comfy, or socialize with friends if that gives you energy. Try and find your rhythm with this time of year. 

**I would love to hear how you cope at this time of year. Please comment below ps and tricks for weathering the weather.


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